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Preserve a Lifetime of Smiles: Celebrating World Oral Health Day 2023

2x-img-create-healthiest-smileWorld Oral Health Day is fast approaching, and this year’s theme is #MouthProud, aimed at encouraging people of all ages to take preventive measures to preserve a lifetime of smiles.

Poor oral health has been linked to several general health conditions, including cardiac diseases, diabetes, and respiratory diseases. It can also affect mental and nutritional health and has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritise our oral health and take care of our mouths and teeth.

Here are some tips and advice from our practice to help you maintain good oral health:

  1. Brush “properly” twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Never go to bed without brushing.
  2. Clean between your teeth at least once a day using floss or interdental brushes. Interdental cleaning is just as important as brushing.
  3. Limit sugary and acidic drinks and foods. Instead, eat more fibrous vegetables and fruits. Cheese is also an excellent choice to eat after a meal when dining out.
  4. Drink plenty of water to help rinse away food particles and prevent dry mouth.
  5. Avoid smoking, including smokeless tobacco, as it is a major factor in gum disease and oral/throat cancer.
  6. Wear a custom-fitted night guard if you grind or clench your teeth.

It’s never too early to start taking care of your oral health. A child’s first dental visit should be no later than their first birthday. This allows the dentist to have an early assessment of oral health and diagnose any congenital problems. It also helps familiarize the child with the dental environment before they have an evident oral/dental problem.

For those who are anxious about seeing a dentist, it’s crucial to remember that most dental anxiety stems from bad experiences at previous appointments. Therefore, the best first dental visit for any child would be the one where they sit on the chair, have a play with the water splash, see how the dentist’s brush works, and leave with a sticker, balloon, and/or a certificate of bravery.

Oral Health As You Age

As we age, it’s vital to care for our oral health. Aging affects the salivary flow, which is crucial for oral health. Saliva can also be affected by the medications we may be on for aging conditions. With age, the nature of our mouths may change, and muscle dexterity may decrease. Therefore, we may need to utilize special oral hygiene techniques and tools. Visiting the dentist more regularly is also essential.

Finally, visit our practice twice a year. Waiting to see us only when you’re in pain is not a good idea, as the problem could have progressed to a late stage, necessitating a more invasive and expensive treatment. A good example is when we discover a cavity (before you feel pain), which may only require a filling (a 20-minute treatment and around a couple of hundred dollars cost). However, if you come in pain, particularly a severe one, it may require a root canal (a two-hour treatment and around a couple of thousand dollars cost).

This World Oral Health Day, let’s all be #MouthProud and take preventive action to preserve a lifetime of smiles. Remember to prioritise your oral health and practice good oral hygiene daily. By doing so, you’ll not only improve your oral health but also your overall health and well-being.

If we haven’t seen you in the practice recently, we hope to see you soon!


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